Tufted cotton sleep



Shipping is done via Fedex, UPS for regular delivery and they will deliver like all other packages you receive from them.  Heavier cotton mattress ship via Seko logistics, they will deliver to your door only after calling and getting an appointment time(there is no service to bring it inside the home). Kindly do not accept the box or open it, if it is externally damaged by shipping.

Caution Mattresses are heavy packages, a 9 inch mattress can weigh up to 100 lbs and one of our 8 inch Cotton mattress can weigh 160 lbs. Boxes are amply sized and your items are well-protected. Please exercise sufficient care while moving a heavy box or unwrapping a tightly packaged mattress.


Ensure that you move the package to your bed, sleeping surface before opening it. Especially latex mattress are compressed and once opened can be very difficult to move without help. Cotton mattress will compress in transit and to get the full benefit, air it in a sun facing room/window for a day before usage.


organic cotton mattress delivery picture


Rolled up shiki

Recycling and Removal 

We use jute bags to provide you care and warranty information. Our paper inserts are eco-friendly, minimal ink printed material.

All our mattress, inserts and packaging can be recycled as they contain natural fibers or layers, please dispose them as per your city's regulations.

Safe organic futon  

Green validated